Happy New Year! We hope you all had a peaceful break and that you and your family and friends have stayed safe during these very difficult times.
January is often the time for new resolutions and fresh starts. Now more than ever it is clear we need to nurture our bodies to better protect ourselves from illness and infection. With the current National restrictions in place much of what we would normally spend time doing just isn’t allowed, but we are still able to enjoy local outdoor areas and spaces safely.
It is likely restrictions will remain in place for much of the winter, so taking time in our days to get away from our desks for a walk, making a healthy lunch and lessening the indulgence of Christmas fare will not only help our physical health but also do wonders for mental well being.
Not surprisingly people are currently reporting higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Stress is something we can all experience and affects us in differing ways. Stress can sometimes be anticipated and being able to recognise and alter our response is vitally important in allowing us to control it.
So challenge yourself to set time each day specifically for you. Put it in your diary and make a commitment to yourself. Plan this time to exercise, catch up with a friend by phone or face time or use it for relaxation using Mindfulness or yoga. Time away from social media is also key to support good sleep and mental wellbeing . Switching data off for at least an hour before bed (including the news and social media) can reap huge benefits….so maybe this January your resolution should be to nurture and look after yourself for at least a little time everyday!