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VHK Education offers bespoke health education courses targeted to specific audiences. It is run by two practising GPs with over 30 years of practical experience, who are keen to share their knowledge, skills and expertise.

Healthcare professionals courses

VHK Education provides bespoke educational courses to medical professionals at all levels of experience.

Corporate health and wellbeing

 VHK support investment in employee wellbeing and performance through improving health knowledge.


Dr Victoria Hobbs
MBChB (Birmingham 2000) RCGP (2005 merit) DRCOG DCH DFSRH

Vicky has developed a keen specialist interest in Women’s Health. She completed an MSc Certificate in Community Gynaecology alongside the Faculty’s Medical Education qualification. This allows her to run a weekly advice and guidance triage service to fellow GPs which won a commendation award at the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum. Holding the Faculty Certificate in Menopause Care, Vicky’s knowledge in this field, including bone health management is highly valued. Vicky is clinical governance lead, being passionate about clinical effectiveness and ensuring patient safety is at the centre of improving standards.


Dr Heidi Kerr
MBChB (Birmingham 1997) FRCGP (2002 merit) DRCOG DCH DFSRH

Heidi is a practising GP partner with a strong interest in diabetes, cardiovascular risk management and women’s health. Her passion is to ensure patient engagement in their lifestyle to improve their health outcomes. She thoroughly enjoys education, with experience in teaching medical students, fellow doctor and nurse colleagues, and many years as a GP trainer. She currently holds the position of General Training Programme Director (Black Country) for family planning and offers a coil fitting and subdermal implant service at her practice, which has progressed into a recognised training facility by the FSRH.

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